Sprawdź ceny naszych zabiegów

Botox wrinkle reduction

Wrinkle reduction Forehead 400 PLN
Between the brows (lion brow) 400 PLN
around the eyes (crow’s feet) 400 PLN
around the lips 200 PLN
on the nose (bunny lines) 200 PLN
on the beard (marble chin)  200 PLN
Two areas 700 PLN
Baby botox (entire face) 600 PLN
Baby botox (face and neck) 800 PLN

Depending on the number of spots treated (injection spots)

Face modelling by hyaluronic acid

enlargement, modelling, humidification of the lips700 PLN
lip mesotherapy – only humidification
(price for one session, three sessions recommended)
500 PLN
filling of nose and lip lines (one injection ampoule)od 700 PLN
filling of wrinkles around the lips 700 PLN
filling of marionette linesod 700 PLN
modelling of the chin and the lower jaw angleod 700 PLN
modelling of the nose800 PLN
modelling of the cheeksod 700 PLN
filling of the depression below the eyes700 PLN
filling of the lion brow area700 PLN

Radiesse tissue filler

Radiesse 1.5 ml 1400 PLN

Skin needle mesotherapy

Anti-aging mesotherapy of the skin on the face, neck, décolleté and hands

NCTF 135 HA Fillmed product (face, neck, decollete)800 PLN
Eye product Sunekos 200600 PLN
Sunekos 1200 product for face mesotherapy1000 PLN
Neauvia Hydro Deluxe700 PLN

Mesotherapy, platelet-rich plasma and platelet-rich fibrin

Needle mesotherapy (one tube)600 PLN
Combined mesotherapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) + platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)1000 PLN
Dermapen 4.0 mesotherapy with platelet-rich plasma (PRP)1200 PLN

Linerase collagen mesotherapy

Linerase collagen mesotherapy                                                                     1000 PLN

Profhilo and Nucleofil mesotherapy (biostimulation)

Profhilo and Nucleofil mesotherapy (biostimulation) 1000 PLN

Dermapen microneedle mesotherapy

Dermapen 4.0 (microneedle) mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid (HA) 600 PLN
Dermapen 4.0 mesotherapy with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) 800 PLN

Scalp mesotherapy

Scalp mesotherapy 400 PLN
with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) 600-800 PLN

Cellulite mesotherapy

Cellulite area mesotherapyod 500 PLN

Mesotherapy of stretch marks

Mesotherapy of stretch mark areas (cocktail) od 500 PLN
Microneedle mesotherapy using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) od 600 PLN
Dermapen mesotherapy using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) od 700 PLN

Injection lipolysis

Removal of fatty tissue deposits/ figure modelling – injection lipolysis (chin, drop cheeks)400 PLN
Removal of fatty tissue deposits/ figure modelling (arms/ stomach/ sides/ areas above the knees/ lower legs/ inner thighs)850 PLN